Why are we different
Please take your time to read this because we need you to understand our way of teaching before you start learning with us
Doing this job for many years, we noticed a lot of flaws and a lot of details that had to be improved, so we decided to launch our own learning platform. Almost every online school claims it will change the way of learning English, but it doesn’t. Instead, all the schools we know still use the old methods where a student who has just learned how to compose a simple sentence in a foreign language is taught a grammar lesson that he/she absolutely does not understand, so the student is overwhelmed and bored but wants to satisfy the teacher or his/her parents by repeating everything the teacher says.
Many parents think grammar is the most important part for their youngsters when learning a foreign language, even though some of those kids don’t know how to describe their own appearance at that moment, so they spend a lot of money and their kids just don’t make progress. I think many companies choose this old-fashioned way of teaching on purpose so they can keep the students with them as long as possible.
We are using a method that Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell invented, called “The Natural Approach”. This way of learning does not concentrate on grammar at all in the beginning but encourages the student to learn as a baby who first listens and copies, and by copying sentences automatically learns the correct pronunciation and sentence structure, without knowing any confusing grammar rules.
We have a habit of asking our students before we start the lesson, how long they have been learning a foreign language and which part of that foreign language is the most difficult for them. About 95% of our students say grammar is the hardest part for them and complain about their previous learning system in which they as beginners get a grammar book with past, future, present tenses, and some other burdensome grammatical expressions and rules which makes them lose the will to learn, so the students just learn for the exam and as soon as they pass the test, they forget what they have learned.
Our teaching methodology is as follows:
- Listening (without listening you won’t learn proper pronunciation and learning sentence structures through grammar rules will be more difficult for you in the future)
- Speaking (we always encourage our students to speak more than we do, because we think conversational English is more important than grammar)
- Reading (we have developed some facilitating methods for reading foreign words, something similar to Chinese pinyin)
- Writing ( after you are pretty confident with speaking and you understand the English alphabet and phonetics – the study and classification of speech sounds – it’s time for writing.)
- Grammar (this is the most difficult part of the English language, and that is why we learn it at the end)
- Optional for people who want to specialize in academic English we offer courses accredited by the British Ministry Of Education.
Another important part when studying a new language is to learn how to think in the language you are learning, understand not only the words but the complete language, which contains proverbs, sayings, fables, jokes, etc. so, you feel comfortable when you communicate with foreigners.